Monday 9 April 2018

Practising with Prismacolors!

As I said in yesterday's blog post, I hoped to re-do the Colouring Eyes Class over at Kit and Clowder but this time trying out my Prismacolours! EEK, even more out of my comfort zone than with my Copics!

SO - I printed off the work sheet onto my new Canson Mi-Teintes paper, dug out the recommended colours for the Pencil Class, using alternatives where necessary......and started to practice!

Things I could do better
I found it hard to work with the pencils, I need to invest in a good sharpener because as I was trying to sharpen to a sharp point, the wood was splintering and not allowing me to get the results I was hoping for.
I need to re-organise and chart my Prismas again rather than rummaging around a plastic box with colour groups gathered in elastic bands! If I know what colours I have, it will be easier to make choices for alternative colours.

Things I am happy about!
I tried! LOL
Keeping the Posca White Marker upside down helped!

Must get on.


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